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Зарегистрирован: 2019-08-26 05:21
Последний вход: 2021-05-27 14:57   29 17.1%  

Награды (2)

NevilleJ 29
! /nonograms/picross/mulen_ruzh   2020-04-27 11:09
Extremely hard to solve if you are colour blind

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nettaly 52  2020-04-27 11:09 + 2
@NevilleJ - you can change colours in whatever you like :) Press the rainbow circle in the left corner and choose:
NevilleJ 29
Hi, not a major criticism but if you're colourblind like I am using similar colours (eg red, brown) as opposed to contrasting ones (eg black and yellow) make doing a puzzle like this very hard.

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nettaly 52  2020-04-27 11:09 + 3
@NevilleJ - you can change colours in whatever you like :) Press the rainbow circle in the left corner and choose:
NevilleJ 29

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SDFGHJ 50 Solver Rank  2020-02-19 21:21 + 2
Thank You Very Much!handsflowerssolnce
NevilleJ 29
Extremely hard to do if you're color blind, sorry....

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milashka2011 40 Solver Rank  2020-02-13 12:22 + 4
Непонятно, как Вы связываете решение этого кроссворда с подбором цветовой гаммы. Цвета подобраны правильно, не сливаются. А если Вам трудно было его решить, при чем тут дальтонизм?
GingerMartian 51 Solver Rank  2020-02-13 13:40 + 4
@NevilleJ, yes, this type of nonograms can be quite an issue for a colorblind person :( However, there is quite a lot of small black-and-white griddlers here! You can find them at this link: https://grandgames.net/index.php?place=main&kind=1&resh=2&slev=1&lev=0&notr=0&list=0&k_name=&tags=0&lsize=10&sort=0
I hope you'll enjoy them)
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NevilleJ 29
This is why I love nonograms, brilliant!

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GingerMartian 51 Solver Rank  2020-01-13 09:23 + 2
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)
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